How to Go from Having All Your Assets Unprotected and in Your Personal Name, to Literally Owning Nothing, Yet Still Controlling Everything!

We show everyday people how to protect, build, and grow your assets the same way the wealthy have been doing for decades, utilizing Living Trusts!


See what past students have said about my teachings...

Jemayne Williams

Hi, I'm Jemayne Williams, aka Sirmoneymoves. With 16+ years in the financial industry and 25+ years of personal investing, I am excited to help empower YOUR financial journey.


An end-to-end, fully detailed course that will take you from having no idea to literally operating your assets through your trust privately.

Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy

will help you create:


A Tailored Estate Plan


Our course empowers you to design a comprehensive estate plan using living trusts, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes while minimizing taxes and avoiding probate.


A Secure Generational Wealth Transfer


Learn how to create a solid foundation for generational wealth by utilizing various trust types, enabling you to provide for your loved ones and leave a lasting financial legacy.


Maximized Asset Protection


Understand the art of asset protection through trusts, shielding your wealth from creditors, legal liabilities, and unforeseen circumstances, giving you peace of mind.


Tax Efficiency


Discover strategic tax planning strategies using trusts, enabling you to optimize tax benefits, reduce financial burdens, and retain more of your hard-earned assets.


A Real Estate Investing Strategy with Trusts


Get insight on how to start real estate investing using trusts, allowing you to strategically manage properties,, and ensure seamless asset transition while minimizing taxes and avoiding probate.


Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy is an online course that gives you the tools you need to set up a foundation that can both grow your wealth and provide for generations to come.
Over the course of easy to follow modules, I'll lay out several different strategies you can use with a living trust.

This program is focused on 4 core areas:


  1. Understanding the Different Types of Trusts Available

  2. The Benefits and Disadvantages

  3. Misconceptions About Trusts

  4. Specific Strategies for Utilizing your Trust

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll learn inside the course of Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy

Revocable Living Trust:


Discover the power of a flexible trust structure that allows you to retain control while ensuring seamless asset transfer.


Irrevocable Living Trust:


Unveil the benefits of an irrevocable trust and how it offers unparalleled asset protection and tax advantages.


 Special Needs Trust:


Explore how to provide for loved ones with special needs, ensuring their financial security while preserving eligibility for assistance programs.


Charitable Remainder Trust:


Learn to leave a lasting impact on charitable causes while enjoying income streams and potential tax benefits.


Dynasty Trust:


Delve into the realm of generational wealth, where you'll understand how to create an enduring financial legacy.


Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) Trust:


Explore strategies to provide for your spouse while ensuring your assets are protected for future generations.


Irrevocable Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT):


Master techniques to safeguard your assets while ensuring eligibility for Medicaid benefits.


Land Trust:


Uncover the strategic advantages of a land trust, offering enhanced privacy and potential benefits for real estate holdings.


Family Bank:


Explore creative ways to use trusts for family lending, fostering financial growth while maintaining control.


Using Trusts for Investment Properties:


Learn to leverage trusts for investment property management, protection, and wealth growth.


Asset Protection:


Discover how trusts can shield your wealth from potential creditors and legal liabilities.


Tax Avoidance:


Gain insights into using trusts as a tool for tax planning, maximizing your financial benefits.

Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy

is for you if...


  • You fear the probate's impact, and the thought of your assets going through a time-consuming and costly probate process terrifies you.


  • You have worries about how a nursing home and Medicaid requirements will affect your assets.


  • You're tired of uncertain financial futures and want to create a solid plan for your assets.


  • Real Estate investing is your passion but you want to make sure you’re acquiring assets in the most efficient manner possible.


  • You worry about your family's financial security in the long run.


  • Your business is your life's work and you're concerned about seamless transitions.


  • Asset protection is a top priority, so you wish to safeguard your wealth.


  • Estate Tax worries keep you up at night.

This is not for you if...


  • You're expecting a magic formula that will make you rich quick. 


  • You're wanting to learn how to use a trust outside of the U.S.


  • You're looking to learn how to create a DIY trust.

Who is this course designed for?


Our course, "Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy," is tailored for individuals who want to secure their financial future, optimize real estate investments, protect assets, and navigate estate planning with confidence.


Do I need prior knowledge of trusts?


No prior knowledge is required. Our course starts with the fundamentals and gradually progresses to more advanced concepts, ensuring learners of all levels can benefit.


How will this course help me avoid probate?


The course teaches you how to establish living trusts that allow your assets to seamlessly transfer to beneficiaries without the need for probate, ensuring a smoother process and protecting your family's inheritance.


Can trusts really help with nursing home and Medicaid concerns?


Absolutely. The course covers trusts that help protect your assets from nursing home costs while ensuring eligibility for Medicaid benefits, providing peace of mind during uncertain times.


Will this course address tax implications and benefits?


Yes, we delve into using trusts for tax planning, maximizing benefits, and minimizing burdens, allowing you to make informed decisions to optimize your financial situation.

Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy

isn't based on fads


Empowerment Through Knowledge: Our course is built on the principle that knowledge is the cornerstone of effective wealth management. We empower you with comprehensive insights into trusts, ensuring you make informed decisions that shape your financial future.


Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs: We understand that every individual's financial situation is unique. Our course is designed to offer flexible solutions, whether you're a real estate enthusiast, a business owner, or someone seeking asset protection, ensuring your needs are met.


Legacy Preservation: We believe in leaving a lasting impact. Our course is rooted in the idea of creating a legacy that endures for generations. By teaching you how to establish trusts effectively, we help you safeguard your assets and ensure your loved ones' financial well-being.


And because information on Living Trusts is so powerful, the content in this course together is easily worth over $7,500


Because with this knowledge someone is then able to go turn it to an infinite amount of wealth! 

But when I decided to package these systems into a course that anyone could follow, at their own pace, I wanted to make it as accessible as possible.

And that's why you get instant access to the entire

Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy

program for just one payment of $897


Click the button to get started today!

There are 2 types of people...

Some people here about better avenues of protecting their wealth and their family, but do nothing about it.
Others take action, they make sure that their family and their assets are properly protected.
Which is more appealing to you?
Right now many of us feel trapped and stuck where we are.
We don’t have the financial education to do anything about it. We don’t even know where to start.
We worry about things like lawsuits, creditors, and not leaving a legacy for our family.
It doesn’t have to be this way!
If you learn how to maximize the power of a Living Trust, many of your goals can become within your reach.


Imagine a year from today...

Imagine a year from today having a solid solid foundation that not only protects you during your lifetime, but also generations to come.
Accomplishing something you at one time thought was impossible
That’s the power of building a strong Legacy and Protection plan; and that’s what I teach inside of Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy!
You can do this - I’m proof that it’s possible and I’m here to coach you every step of the way!
Join Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy today and let’s change your life and create generational wealth.
Your Coach,
Jemayne Williams

Join Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy




  • The Basics of a Living Trust
  • How to use a Revocable and Irrevocable Trust
  • How to use a Trust for Family Banking
  • How to use a Trust for Asset Protection
  • How to use a Trust for Real Estate Purchases
  • How to Protect you Assets from a Nursing Home
  • How to Avoid Probate
  • How to Own Nothing, but Control Everything
  • How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax

P.S. The beauty of Moneymovers Wealth Protection Academy is that you get access to strategies you can use now and in the future, learn from years of experience, and skip all of the pain and mistakes that a lot of people make!


It couldn’t be more convenient!


Do your future self a favor and take action. Invest in yourself, get the education that is needed, and build your OWN legacy.


Your life will never be the same!


See you on the inside...


Jemayne Williams