What if you could build an investment portfolio that generates wealth and income while you sleep, all from the comfort of your home and without daily management?

Discover the turn-key system that takes you from having no idea to literally having investments that pay you on auto-pilot.

See what past students have said about my teachings...

Jemayne Williams

Hi, I'm Jemayne Williams, aka Sirmoneymoves. With 17+ years in the financial industry and 25+ years of personal investing, I am excited to help empower YOUR financial journey.

I always believed that I would be the one that changed my family's legacy

Whether it was through sports, my job, or something else - I didn’t know. But I knew I wanted my life to have meaning and purpose.
So I did all the “right” things.
I went to school, stayed out of trouble, got good grades, and then was blessed enough to go to college.
Right out of high school, I also got my first job working at Costco and worked my way up to a management position.
I learned so much about working with people and a lot about running a business. If you're familiar with Costco, I'm sure you can imagine the number of employees and customers I interact with on a daily basis.
But within a few years, I began to feel like there was more out there for me; I just didn't know what. I did know that I wanted to be in more control of my time and 

I was the most skeptical of them all

I remember one day at work my boss, who I'm still friends with today, pulled me aside and started talking to me about investments.
He knew that I had gotten promoted at a very young age, which meant I was probably making more money than I knew what to do with at the time.
I was immediately skeptical about the idea of investing because I had never invested anything a day of my life.
My only knowledge about investing was...
1. It was only geared towards rich people, and it took thousands of dollars to even get started. 
Even though I was still living with my parents rent free, and was only responsible for a $15 a month pager bill, I knew I was still far from being rich.
2. I had the idea that investing was gambling, and you could lose all your money in one day.
Believe it or not, those were the actual fears and limitations I put on myself.
I'm not even sure where they came from, but I know I had them for sure.

Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith

So even with all the fear and worry in the back of my mind, I decided to take a leap of faith and start investing.
But to help calm my nerves as much as I could, I started investing in Costco stock.
Mainly because that was one of the only companies I really knew about at such a young age, so I thought it would be the smoothest transition.
And as long as they were sending me a paycheck every two weeks, I would feel more comfortable in knowing they weren't going out of business anytime soon.
I still remember processing the request to start buying the stock every payday.
What's wild is that I couldn't believe the stock was so expensive, sitting at $30 per share at the time.

One decision can completely change the trajectory of your life

That was the launching pad of my investing journey.
I started to really learn and study about how money worked, and I know that I wouldn't have if I didn't get the hands-on experience.
Seeing how the stock market grew over time, and how your money can actually make money for you completely changed my mindset about creating wealth.
It was now possible.
I saw how the banking system works, and how so many people fall into the trap of only keeping their money in the bank because of the same things that held me back, fear and lack of education.

Just when you think things are going great, turmoil hits

At the end of 2006 I took some of my investment proceeds and decided to purchase a home.
Ironically, right after my purchase the market as a whole began to collapse. 
Even with the knowledge I had obtained, I too ended up with one of those mortgages that began to skyrocket.
The monthly payments they were asking for was out of control.
Thankfully, with the little financial knowledge I had I was able to get my home loan modified to a reasonable rate, after months of trying and getting turned down.
But so many people weren't as fortunate as I was.
I began to see friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors lose their homes left and right.
This was definitely an eye opener and turning point for me.
I began helping as many people as I could, but I'm only one person and I had a demanding full-time job.
One thing I noticed right away with the people I was helping was that their mortgage wasn't the only problem, it was their entire financial picture.

Time to take things to the next level

I quickly fell in love with helping people with their finances and investments, so I decided to take another leap of faith and become an entrepreneur.
In 2007 I proceeded to get my state certifications, which were my life and health insurance licenses. Then in 2008 I started the federal licensing process, getting my series 6, 63, 26, and 65 (Uniform Investment Advisor Law Examination), and then becoming an Investment Advisor Representative.
This not only allowed me to help more people on a larger scale, but it was also a tremendous boost to my investment knowledge.

Bringing it all together

Now it's time to bring it all together and take things to another level.
I'm taking my 25+ years of personal investing experience, and coupling it with my 17+ years of experience as an Investment Advisor Representative, to create something extremely special for you.
Something I wish I had to guide me during my early investing journey, but ironically this is something I still use today. 
So I took almost three decade’s worth of knowledge, success, pain, frustration, and experience and distilled it all down into a repeatable system.


An end-to-end, turnkey, proven system that will take you from having no idea to literally owning an investment portfolio that can both grow your wealth and provide you with dividend income on autopilot.

Moneymovers Invest Now Academy will help you create:


Wealth Accumulation

A well-constructed portfolio has the potential to generate significant returns over time, leading to increased wealth and financial security.


Passive Income

Dividend-paying stocks within the portfolio can provide a steady stream of passive income, which can supplement other income sources, such as a salary or retirement benefits.


Financial Independence

A robust portfolio can help an investor achieve financial independence, allowing them to have more control over their life choices and pursue their desired lifestyle.


Retirement Planning

A strong portfolio can serve as a foundation for retirement savings, ensuring a comfortable retirement by providing a source of income when regular employment income decreases or ceases.


Generational Wealth Transfer

A successful portfolio can be passed on to future generations, serving as a means to provide for heirs and legacy planning.


Moneymovers Invest Now Academy is an online course that gives you the tools and system you need to an investment portfolio that can both grow your wealth and give you steady dividend income systematically.
Over the course of 12 action packed and easy to follow modules, I'll lay out for you my exact method for creating a portfolio full of strong investments, without skipping a single step.

This program is focused on 4 core areas:


  1. Master Investing Mindset

  2. Basics of Stock Markets

  3. Selecting & Buying Stocks

  4. Expert Guidance and Systems for Success

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll learn inside the 12 module course of Moneymovers Invest Now Academy

Module 1: The Mindset of Investing


  • Cultivate a confident and strategic investment mindset.
  • Overcome fears and misconceptions hindering your success.
  • Develop resilience in navigating market uncertainties.
  • Master emotional control for informed decision-making.


Module 2: Introduction to the Stock Market


  • Understand the functioning and components of stock markets.
  • Explore the role of stock exchanges and market participants.
  • Decode stock market jargon and terminology.
  • Recognize key factors influencing stock prices.


Module 3: What are Stocks


  • Understand the diverse types and attributes of stocks.
  • Learn how stocks represent ownership in companies.
  • Explore the significance of dividends and capital gains.
  • Gain insights into stock valuation and pricing mechanisms.

Module 4: Market Fundamentals


  • Delve into the essentials of market operations.
  • Explore the role of supply, demand, and trading dynamics.
  • Understand the impact of economic indicators on markets.
  • Gain familiarity with market trends and cycles.


Module 5: Investment Options


  • Explore a wide range of investment avenues beyond stocks.
  • Understand the dynamics of bonds, real estate, and more.
  • Discover the potential benefits and risks of various options.
  • Tailor your investment approach to align with your goals.


Module 6: Determine your Goals


  • Define clear and achievable financial objectives.
  • Learn how to align your goals with investment strategies.
  • Explore methods to prioritize and set realistic targets.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for your investment journey.


Module 7: Reading Financials


  • Decode complex financial statements with ease.
  • Analyze balance sheets, income statements, and cash flows.
  • Gain insights into a company's financial health and performance.
  • Utilize financial data to make informed investment decisions.


Module 8: Financial Ratios


  • Master key financial ratios for effective analysis.
  • Understand how ratios offer insights into company stability.
  • Learn to assess profitability, liquidity, and solvency.
  • Utilize ratios to compare and evaluate investment opportunities.


Module 9: Intrinsic Value


  • Calculate intrinsic value to assess a stock's worth.
  • Explore methods and factors influencing valuation.
  • Understand the connection between intrinsic value and pricing.
  • Learn to make informed decisions based on value assessment.


Module 10: Technical Analysis


  • Master the art of technical analysis in stock evaluation.
  • Recognize chart patterns and trends for predictive insights.
  • Understand indicators and oscillators for timing strategies.
  • Utilize technical tools to refine your stock selection process.


Module 11: How to Find Stocks to Buy


  • Develop effective strategies to identify potential stocks.
  • Explore research techniques to uncover promising opportunities.
  • Evaluate company fundamentals, growth prospects, and industry trends.
  • Learn to filter and shortlist stocks aligned with your goals.


Module 12: How to Purchase Stocks with a Brokerage Account


  • Navigate the process of setting up and managing a brokerage account.
  • Understand various stock order types and execution methods.
  • Learn how to place stock orders and manage your investment portfolio.
  • Gain practical experience in purchasing stocks through real-world examples.

Moneymovers Invest Now Academy is for you if...


  • You're tired of fear and lack of education stopping you from investing.  


  • You're an aspiring investor, craving to unlock the world of stock markets. 


  • You're tired of financial uncertainty and ready to take control of your future. 


  • You're eager to diversify your portfolio, secure long-term wealth, and break free from financial constraints.  


  • You're overwhelmed by the complexities of stock trading, searching for a clear, guided path to success. 


  • You're determined to make informed decisions, maximize returns, and achieve your ultimate financial goals.

This is not for you if...


  • You're expecting a magic formula that will make you rich quick. Investing is not a get rich quick strategy.


  • You're wanting to learn how to day-trade. Investing and day-trading are not the same thing.


  • You're looking to learn how to buy options. This is not an options buying course.

Is this really for beginners? I don’t know much about investing.


Yes, it is absolutely for beginners. I start the course from the approach that you have never heard of what a stock is. Then I will walk you through the process of learning step-by-step.


Does it take a lot of money to start investing?


It actually doesn’t. Believe it or not, you can start investing with as little as $1.


If I already have experience with investing will this course work for me?


Definitely, this course will help take your investing knowledge to the next level. You’ll be able to learn how to do a real fundamental analysis on a company before buying the stock. These are some of the strategies Warren Buffett uses to buy stocks.


How long do I have access to the course after enrolling?


You will have lifetime access to the course. This is important because throughout your investing journey you will always be able to come back and cross reference the information. 


Is there someone that can answer my questions if one were to come up?


Yes, you can email your questions to me at [email protected]

Moneymovers Invest Now Academy isn't based on fads


Built on Solid Foundations: Our course is rooted in timeless principles of investing and financial literacy, ensuring you gain a comprehensive understanding that withstands changing trends.


Sustainable Wealth Building: We focus on strategies that promote consistent, sustainable growth over time, steering clear of fleeting fads or risky shortcuts.


Informed Decision-Making: Our curriculum empowers you to make well-informed choices based on thorough analysis and real-world insights, detouring from the allure of get-rich-quick schemes.


And because information on investing is so powerful, the content in this course together is easily worth over $10,000


Because with this knowledge someone is then able to go turn it to an infinite amount of wealth! 

But when I decided to package my system into a course that anyone could follow, at their own pace, I wanted to make it as accessible as possible.

And that's why you get instant access to the entire Moneymovers Invest Now Academy program for just one payment of $1,297


Click the button to get started today!

There are 2 types of people...

Some people hate putting their money in the banking system (and don’t make any interest on their money doing so).
Others take action, they make sure that their money is working for them instead of the bank.
Which is more appealing to you?
Right now many of us feel trapped and stuck where we are.
We don’t have the financial education to do anything about it. We don’t even know where to start.
We worry about our retirement, if we’d ever be able to buy a house, and leaving a legacy for our family.
It doesn’t have to be this way!
If you learn how to maximize your money and make it work for you, through investing, many of those goals can become within your reach.


Imagine a year from today...

Imagine a year from today having a solid stock portfolio. One that you were able to build yourself through your own knowledge and insight. 
Accomplishing something you at one time thought was impossible
Imagine watching your account value increase over time - all without you lifting a finger. In fact with specific investments you’ll actually be able to receive dividend income too!
That’s the power of building a strong investment portfolio and that’s what I teach inside of Moneymovers Invest Now Academy!
You can do this - I’m proof that it’s possible and I’m here to coach you every step of the way!
Join Moneymovers Invest Now Academy today and let’s change your life and create generational wealth.
Your Coach,
Jemayne Williams

Join Moneymovers Invest Now Academy




Moneymovers Invest Now Academy

 P.S. Trust me when I say, once you’ve had a taste of stock appreciation and dividend income you’ll never want to go back!


I know what it’s like to be scared to try something new - something you may feel intimidated by. I literally felt the same way when I started investing.


That was scary! And I don’t wish that experience on you.


The beauty of Moneymovers Invest Now Academy is that you can get my complete system, learn from decades of experience, and skip all of the pain and mistakes that I made!


It couldn’t be more convenient!


Do your future self a favor and be brave. Invest in yourself, get the training that is needed, and build your OWN income producing investment portfolio.


Your life will never be the same!


See you on the inside...


Jemayne Williams